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<b>Quiz:</b><br><br>Why<br><i>sd_notify(1, "WATCHDOG=1");</i><br>is...

- 2015-01-09T22:56:13+0000 - Updated: 2015-01-09T22:56:13+0000

sd_notify(1, "WATCHDOG=1");
is a very stupid idea?
Shared with: Public, Tomasz Torcz
+1'd by: Damian Wojsław
- 2015-01-10T21:23:02+0000
because of the first arg!
- 2015-01-10T23:24:00+0000
That's right! You seem to know systemd, Lennart :)
- 2015-03-07T09:22:16+0000
Like Lennart said: check what first argument means and think about implications.

Cytat na dziś

Świetnie spostrzeżnie usłyszałem dzisiaj w pracy. Odnośnie utrzymywania dwóch całkowicie odrębnych zespołów – jeden do opracowania i wdrożenia aplikacji, drugi do jej utrzymywania na produkcji.

To tak, jakby mieć dwie reprezentacje piłkarskie. Jedną szkolić i trenować, a drugą wysyłać na zawody i kazać grać na podstawie dokumentacji.

<i>Lex retro non agit?</i><br><br>Gdańsk, dnia 2 lutego 2015 r.<br>uchwała z ...

- 2015-02-18T15:24:15+0000 - Updated: 2015-02-18T15:24:15+0000
Lex retro non agit?

Gdańsk, dnia 2 lutego 2015 r.
uchwała z dnia 29 stycznia 2015 r.

§ 5. Uchwała wchodzi w życie po upływie 14 dni od dnia jej ogłoszenia w Dzienniku Urzędowym Województwa Pomorskiego i ma zastosowanie do zdarzeń powstałych od dnia 1 lutego 2015r.
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Oddam płytę Abit NF7-S z Sempronem i RAMem. Żal wyrzucać, bo działa.

- 2015-01-28T20:58:34+0000 - Updated: 2015-01-28T20:58:34+0000
Oddam płytę Abit NF7-S z Sempronem i RAMem. Żal wyrzucać, bo działa.
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+1'd by: Maciej Wakuła
- 2015-01-31T11:22:52+0000
jeśli wezmę, to żona mnie zabije ;/
- 2015-02-11T21:15:30+0000
Jak bym już słyszał żonę: "Już mamy w domu od za*nia kabli i innych *"
A z drugiej strony: "A wiesz ile ja kiedyś dałam za mój komputer?" (Athlon XP 2400+)

I had to create this monstrosity (lifted from <i></i> script)<br>…<br...

- 2015-02-05T16:23:41+0000 - Updated: 2015-02-05T16:24:24+0000
I had to create this monstrosity (lifted from script)

ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -Dosgi.clean=true -Declipse.ignoreApp=true -Dosgi.noShutdown=true -Djetty.port=7780 -Djetty.port.ssl=7781 -Djetty.home=. -Dlogback.configurationFile=configurations/logback.xml -Dfelix.fileinstall.dir=addons -Djava.library.path=lib -Dequinox.ds.block_timeout=240000 -Dequinox.scr.waitTimeOnBlock=60000 -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar /opt/openhab/server/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20120522-1813.jar  -console

What the fuck is wrong with Java developers‽
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+1'd by: Maciej Pietrzak
- 2015-02-05T16:26:40+0000
Java developers like their startup script like they like their error output ;)
- 2015-02-05T16:27:14+0000
unreadable ;)

lol<br><br><i>The customer's first name is "Ricardo," but it wa...

- 2015-01-29T07:30:35+0000 - Updated: 2015-01-29T07:30:35+0000

The customer's first name is "Ricardo," but it was misspelled as "Asshole."

I suppose the keys are right next to each other.

Comcast bill changes customer’s first name to “A—hole”

Shared with: Public
- 2015-01-29T15:47:46+0000
"A-something", could be UTF-8 encoding problem.

No czo ten Infoshare znowu

Po ostatniej porażce postanowiłem odpuścić sobie Infoshare w roku powrotu do przyszłości. Ale po ostatnim tech.3camp chyba uległem magii marketingu, bo rozważam udanie się do Amber Expo w czerwcu.

Po pierwsze to organizator przyznał, że ostatnimi laty Infoshare za daleko oddaliło sie od twardych tematów technicznych. I że starają się to nadrobić w tym roku. Hmm. Plus dla nich. Oby się udało.

Druga sprawa: imprezy towarzyszące. Zwiedzanie zardzewiałej fanaberii za ćwierć miliarda mam już za sobą i nie widzę potrzeby powtórki. Natomiast ostatniego dnia szykuje się niezły kąsek. Sztuka wystawiona w naszym czarnym zigguracie, specjalnie dla uczestników konferencji. To jest coś, co mnie mocno przekonuje.

I've just started <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-hashtag bidi_isolate" href...

- 2014-12-22T21:09:05+0000 - Updated: 2015-01-08T21:08:42+0000
I've just started #tor relay node on my VPS. To support TOR.

BTW, systemd's ProtectSystem=full / ProtectHome = yes / PrivateTmp = yes  came in handy for locking the daemon down.

EDIT: upstream is aware of hardening options:
Shared with: Public
- 2015-01-02T10:43:09+0000
I have some concerns about supporting TOR... on one side it is god to have the illusion of being anonymous... on the other there is the danger of organized crime, cyber crime and *crime being anonymous and difficult to track... and on the other side countries developed in a lesser way (and not controlling the internet) could rival with the "behemoths" on the cyber warfare market.

Who wrote systemd?

When it comes to systemd middleware, Lennart Poettering often takes the blame and has sole authorship attributed. But there are many more developers (git shows 593 authors in total) – missing their portion of berating, thus unappreciated and unhappy. Over the Winter Holidays I’ve run LWN's “who wrote” scripts to gather more insight into systemd’s developer base.

Developers with most changesets

Developers with the most changesets
Lennart Poettering Red Hat 7104 38.5%
Kay Sievers Red Hat 3711 20.1%
Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek hobbyist 1446 7.8%
Tom Gundersen Red Hat 948 5.1%
Greg KH Linux Foundation 624 3.4%
Michal Schmidt Red Hat 369 2.0%
Thomas Hindoe Paaboel Andersen GNOME 253 1.4%
David Herrmann hobbyist 233 1.3%
Martin Pitt Canonical 231 1.3%
Harald Hoyer Red Hat 207 1.1%
Dave Reisner Arch 148 0.8%

Lennart leads, but with less than 40% of all changesets. It seems he has written less than half of systemd. Sorry, Lennart :)
Kay Sievers earned second place mostly by maintaining udev for past couple of years. Majority of his commits were made while he was employed by Novell. Kay now works at Red Hat.
Third most active developer, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek, commited less than 8% during the history of systemd. Nevertheless, Zbigniew steadily increases his productivity. OpenHub’s graphs for systemd shows he wrote 12% of changesets in 2014.
Clearly, systemd is driven by top five developers. There is a short drop afterwards. Eleventh person on list contributed less than 1% of all changesets. Red Hat as an affiliation appears few times. Further analysis is in the last section – ”Direct comitters”.

Developers with most changed lines

Developers with the most changed lines
Kay Sievers 565610 34.3%
Lennart Poettering 438513 26.6%
David Herrmann 94753 5.7%
Tom Gundersen 70541 4.3%
Greg KH 66951 4.1%
Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek 61506 3.7%
Michal Schmidt 16948 1.0%
Patrik Flykt 7386 0.4%

Per-line statistics looks a little bit different. Here Kay Sievers leads the pack with one-third of all lines changed. It is again mostly caused by the long history of udev, which was merged into systemd two and a half years ago – in April 2012.
Big individual counts by David Herrmann and Tom Gundersen can be attributed to non-init components they developed in systemd project. David wrote virtual console implementation, hacked on kdbus and logind. Tom created network configuration element of systemd.
Speaking of the networking, Patrik Flykt’s high position comes from refactoring ConnMan's DHCP client library into systemd-networkd. Recently, the library was utilised by NetworkManager 1.0.

Employers with the most hackers

Employers with the most hackers
Red Hat 46 7.1%
Novell 19 2.9%
Intel 14 2.2%
IBM 10 1.5%
Samsung 9 1.4%
Canonical 5 0.8%
Fujitsu 4 0.6%
ProFUSION 4 0.6%
Mandriva 3 0.5%
Dell 2 0.3%
Axis Communications 2 0.3%
Linux Foundation 2 0.3%
OLPC 2 0.3%
SGI 2 0.3%
HP 2 0.3%

While LWN’s scripts try to map each author to his parent company, it’s less robust than other kinds of statistics. People change employers while contributing to the same project. I do not see “hobbyists” in the table above, while over 10% of systemd has been created by them. Some authors contribute patches in their free-time, without relation to the employer. Nevertheless, it is interesting to see more or less recognizable company names in the list.

Direct commiters

There are 26 people with commit access to systemd git. Biggest group – 9 people – work for Red Hat. This is not surprising. RH have choosen systemd as a foundation for their enterprise offering. They had to build expertise and assure sustainable development. Sure way for that is to hire people contributing to systemd.

Next groups come in threes. Three people without clear company ties – I call them hobbyist. Three Debian/Ubuntu developers, with at least one person employed by Canonical. There are also three names from Intel.

Two developers can be associated with GNOME project. There are single developers from openSUSE, Mageia, Arch and CoreOS. There are also single committers from companies: Pantheon Systems and Aldebaran Robotics.

Bear in mind, above only talks about people with direct commit access to systemd’s git. There are companies contributing many patches through the mailinglist, but without dedicated commiter. I can recall few names from Samsung, which has contributed quite a number of patches. Tangentailly, there were only 2 patches from Jolla, which produces mobile phones and tablets with systemd onboard.


Red Hat pays the bills for biggest number of systemd authors. But please note, some of them were hired by RH specifically because of their earlier contributions to systemd. Community around project contains representatives from other major distributions, some of them even with direct commit access. Tom Gundersen, for example, did majority of his work as an Arch developer.

Some parts of systemd came from specific needs of external users. For example: CoreOS sponsored development of systemd-networkd; Pengutronix contributed watchdog support; Pantheon improved scalability with thousand of units, etc.

Archived comments:

quest 2014-12-30 22:03:35

Wow. What a long post!

First off. I didn't know Poettering wasnn't sole developer, but after his recent letter where he complained for people "trying to hire hitman to kill him", I think the other are somewhat lucky.

and second. "author" is only noun. It shouldn't be used as verb >

zdz 2014-12-30 23:15:11

Thanks, I've replaced "author" with synonyms.

Linuxhippy 2014-12-30 23:56:46

As most of the time, Redhat is one of the few companies truly investing in open-source instead of just making bucks with it (canonical which e.g. has their desktop stuff under a license which makes it unuseable for anybody else)

Jristz 2014-12-31 01:07:33

@quest English is a language not normed, in contrast with spanish, french, bulgarian, etc; therefor any complain on what is correct and what is not in english grammar is either correct and wrong at same time, the main objetive is simply to be underestandable for the english readers, since without a norm solid writted like the examples I give, everithing that is underestandable is valid, even using author as a verb.

lRem 2014-12-31 01:15:57

> Google 0%

Impressive ;)

tg 2014-12-31 02:24:00

Nice post.

Minor comments: Dave Reisner works for Google (but I don't know if he contributes on their time) and David Herrmann works (now) for Red Hat.

Out of interest, how does the changed lines statistics handle non-code changes? If stuff like hwdb/*.hwdb and src/libsystemd-terminal/unifont.hex is included it would skew the numbers a lot I guess.

Jristz 2014-12-31 03:17:41

Dave Reiser is Arch developer, right, but they work indirectly to Google since the place where he work was buyed by google around 2009

Adam Williamson 2014-12-31 05:50:20

It's perfectly fine to use 'author' as a verb, e.g. "this changed was authored by Bob". Perfectly good English. I don't really like *any* free dictionary sites, but is the best of a bad bunch, and it lists the verb use of 'author':

really, though, if you want a good dictionary, pay for an OED subscription; it's worth it.

Jono Loves Bacon 2015-01-01 23:05:32

>> Google 0%

>Impressive ;)

Why would you expect Google to contribute to this project?

zdz 2015-01-02 13:39:01

There are 34 patches from Filipe Brandenburger, using his email address. It's hard to say if those were made during his paid hours.

SDSSS 2015-01-02 18:06:05

Well, the top two developers (Poettering and Sievers) have been chided more than once for their attitude, in general, and their sloppiness, in particular.

Anonymous 2015-01-08 00:55:31

Where are you getting the employer data from? I didn't think the LWN database was generally available, and relying on the email domain is not reliable.

I wonder: ConsoleKit2 is an ongoing effort to continue CK1. But why was it fo...

- 2014-12-13T12:52:28+0000 - Updated: 2014-12-13T13:17:27+0000
I wonder: ConsoleKit2 is an ongoing effort to continue CK1. But why was it forked? CK1 maintaner would be really happy to give commit rights to anybody.
Shared with: Public
- 2014-12-19T21:40:50+0000
Did he announce he's looking for a successor? If not, how do you know? Unfortunately many people go dark once they lose interest.
- 2014-12-19T22:13:55+0000 - Updated: 2014-12-19T22:14:52+0000
He did few times on consolekit mailing list. He even pointed at Solaris folks, who are the biggest users of CK and asked them to take over.
Developers of GNOME did that, too: :

"This means concrete action is needed if this
functionality is wanted within your distribution or OS."

Lennart was quite clear that systemd superseded ConsoleKIt and CK is out for grabs.

Się nie da się.<br><br><i>Międzyresortowy Zespół do spraw Przygotowania Admin...

- 2014-12-11T15:09:29+0000 - Updated: 2014-12-11T15:09:29+0000
Się nie da się.

Międzyresortowy Zespół do spraw Przygotowania Administracji Rządowej do Zniesienia Obowiązku Meldunkowego zarekomendował pozostawienie obowiązku rejestracji miejsca zamieszkania w obecnie obowiązującej formie.

Obowiązek meldunkowy – rekomendacja Międzyresortowego Zespołu

Shared with: Public
- 2014-12-16T19:45:47+0000
Że co? To może jeszcze obowiązkowy adres aktualnego pobytu we wszystkich dokumentach - żebym wychodząc do sklepu musiał wyrabiać nowe dokumenty.... tragikomedia

I'm done with RPM Fusion. This repository is needed, but it sucks too muc...

- 2014-12-14T14:48:20+0000 - Updated: 2014-12-14T14:48:20+0000
I'm done with RPM Fusion. This repository is needed, but it sucks too much of my time as a contributor. I do maintain "motion" package, but I will be orphaning it shortly. This is really the result of hundreds of small cuts:

– RPMFusion is still using CVS, Plague and other ”old” infrastructure; after working with git and fedpkg, I waste hours every time I want to upgrade my package. It's not for me.

– no scratch builds. Only local ”mock”.

– whole package upgrade chain is manual. There is no Bodhi, packages are pushed at irregular intervals.

– no notifications. Someone has commited to my package in October, and I had no idea. I didn't even get an email. I got to know because today user filled a bugreport about package being broken.

— there is still no F21 branch in repo and packages.

– non-signed certificates, buildsys uses MD5-self-signed certificate, which causes OpenSSL from F21 to reject it altogether.

On top of that, the ”motion” program is quite dead upstream. This is not good for FFMPEG-consumer; if the program is using ffmpeg, it's generally need to be updated frequently due to API changes.

To be fair, Michael Cronenworth volunteered to help bring RPMFusion infrastructure from the stoneage to today. It may happen in future.

But for now, every update I do in RPMFusion is a source of huge frustration. I won't be punishing myself anymore, goodbye.
Shared with: Your extended circles
- 2014-12-14T15:01:41+0000
The Irony is that it's a long time since Russian Fedora moved the entire rpmfusion to git and into their own koji instance, the work basically the rpmfusion community needs to do.  Tried to bring those two fraction to talk to each other  but failed...

#BSD approves #systemd

- 2014-11-22T16:56:02+0000 - Updated: 2014-11-22T20:34:11+0000
#BSD approves #systemd   (slides 32/33).

(enemy of my enemy is my friend? ;-)

FreeBSD: The Next 10 Years (MeetBSD 2014)

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Today's phones... Only 2.5 days of normal use on single charge. Meh. <a ...

- 2014-11-12T17:41:30+0000 - Updated: 2014-11-12T19:08:37+0000
Today's phones... Only 2.5 days of normal use on single charge. Meh. #MotoG
Shared with: Your extended circles
- 2014-11-12T21:52:32+0000
I'd say that's quite a good result for a modern phone. I charge my 3100 mAh battery everyday. ;)
- 2014-11-14T23:53:58+0000
Check cpu-spy. Your phone should be in deep-sleep most the time. Turn off data sync. Change cpu governor. Disable background data. Check what apps are draining the battery and which are sending your data (contacts, mails, contacts) to servers in Asia and US. With such tweaks I can get much more battery life on my n7100 (usually it gets 1.7 days up on a single charge with WiFi,bt,data sync, about 2h of video playback per day and some game play. ..)
- 2014-11-15T05:52:31+0000
I'm aware of that, but why bother? I prefer to just charge it every night. Using smartphone with disabled data/sync doesn't make sense to me. I didn't buy it to keep it in deep sleep. If I needed a long-lasting battery I'd just buy a phone instead of Internet terminal with additional phone functions. ;)

”Interstellar.” Wow. Just wow. Mr Nolan, you have my Oscar!

- 2014-11-09T22:26:44+0000 - Updated: 2014-11-09T22:29:54+0000
”Interstellar.” Wow. Just wow. Mr Nolan, you have my Oscar!
Shared with: Public
+1'd by: Cory Welch
- 2014-11-10T23:55:06+0000
Woohoo! Thanks for sharing - looks "weird", wasn't sure if I would check it out - I'll put 'er on the list!
- 2014-11-12T18:31:13+0000
I'm a sucker for sci-fi, and this movie was executed perfectly. It provided great immersion, epic music and was actually consistent.
BTW, if by ”weird” you mean first teaser
Interstellar Movie - Official Teaser ?
It was quite unusual, but hooked me up.