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#firstworldproblems Spot's Chromium doesn't work in F17, Epiphany 3...

- 2012-03-17T07:47:54+0000 - Updated: 2012-03-17T07:47:54+0000
#firstworldproblems Spot's Chromium doesn't work in F17, Epiphany 3.3.90 is half-working prototype, I had to get back to using Firefox.
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- 2012-03-17T11:48:25+0000
Neither does Chrome. Both work once you install and start nscd.
- 2012-03-17T12:32:53+0000
Naah, does not help for me. And you are probably seeing
- 2012-03-21T09:15:55+0000
Aaaah, fixes Chromium! I feel relieved, all those little usability tricks DO make difference.


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