Bleak future for BSDs and Ubuntus of the world. <a rel="nofollow" class="ot-h...
Bleak future for BSDs and Ubuntus of the world. #gnome
I intend on making systemd a hard requirement for the power plugin in gnome-settings-daemon
I intend on making systemd a hard requirement for the power plugin in gnome-settings-daemon
Requiring systemd for the gnome-settings-daemon power plugin
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No, I don't plan to do that work either so I will take from it that GNOME is not interested by being distributed on e.g Ubuntu anymore. I will take note about that and it's a topic we will discuss at next UDS, let's see if the GNOME remix effort who started recently has people motivated by doing that work, otherwise I will suggest we stop making GNOME available since Ubuntu doesn't have the requirements to run > 3.8...
Also, given the Ubuntu is pretty much the only Linux desktop that matters - as opposed to e.g. Fedora, as RedHat has officially stated that it has no interest in Linux desktop - the cited statement looks rather silly.