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<i>The key enhancements in the Systems Infrastructure are centered on the Aud...

- 2012-06-24T11:28:51+0000 - Updated: 2012-06-24T11:28:51+0000
The key enhancements in the Systems Infrastructure are centered on the Audio Manager, Display Layer Manager and the standardization of system startup processes with systemD. systemD is a system initialization and service manager for Linux, that provides a standardized process for fast start up and management of snapshotting and restoration when vehicles are started and stopped.

MontaVista Announces New Release of its Automotive Technology Platform and is Declared Compliant to the New GENIVI 2.0 Specification

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- 2012-06-24T20:08:00+0000
Would be nice to edit the post and change the spelling to the preferred way to write the name: "systemd". ;)
- 2012-06-24T20:29:20+0000
That's a copy-paste from the announcement. Press release itself sadly isn't a wiki :-)


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