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Remove few features, make the screen smaller, make it weight more, slap infer...

- 2011-10-26T18:04:22+0000 - Updated: 2011-10-26T18:04:22+0000
Remove few features, make the screen smaller, make it weight more, slap inferior OS and voila! You got “new” micronokiasoft phone.

Nokia Lumia 800 vs. Nokia N9: the tale of the tape

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- 2011-10-26T18:23:50+0000
Oczywiście to porównanie pomija prawdopodobnie wszystkie istotne dla użytkownika cechy - bo nawet bateria jest opisana pojemnoscia, a nie czasem działania.
- 2011-10-26T18:51:04+0000
Jest 13/11 hours talk time i 7/4.5 h video time. Na korzyść winfona.
- 2011-10-26T18:52:48+0000
Nokia died the day in went to bed with M$ nobody no longer buys Nokia here on top of the world ( used to divide into to two groups sony vs nokia now it's iphone vs android )...
- 2011-10-26T19:41:33+0000
Nokia was dying way before that - that just never figured it out what was that whole smartphone thing.


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