AppleTV 2012

The actors stopped ranting before Peter had finished his shower. Wang-mu did not notice. She did notice, however, when a voice from the holoview said, "Would you like another recorded selection, or would you prefer to connect with a current broadcast?"
For a moment Wang-mu thought that the voice must be Jane; then she realized that it was simply the rote menu of a machine. "Do you have news?" she asked.
"Local, regional, planetary or interplanetary?" asked the machine.
"Begin with local," said Wang-mu. She was a stranger here. She might as well get acquainted.
Orson Scott Card, ”Children of the Mind” (1996)

Siri, anyone? :-)

Archived comments:

pfm 2011-12-08 09:30:21

Ten cytat z czymś mi się skojarzył i jestem przekonany, że na podobny fragment trafiłem w jakiejś książce. Może "Ubiku" Philipa K. Dicka? Niestety nie jestem pewien.

Hoppke 2011-12-08 16:34:35

Mógłby być Dick. Tyle, że u niego automat byłby pewnie prepaidowy i domagałby się monet (to w Ubiku była ta scena z gadającymi drzwiami, prawda?)

pfm 2011-12-08 16:35:54

Zgadza się. :)

DeHa 2012-02-22 12:26:45


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